Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday Share on a Sunday

Things have been pretty stable in our corner of the world - I work, Matt works, we get days off and hang out together. That's the gist of it. I did go back to the doctor for my health concerns but he was pretty unimpressed with my lab results and told me to come back and see him when I was sick. So hopefully my body will heal itself and I am going to try and help it along with some fanciful food therapy initiatives. 

Basically, I'm going to modify my diet and journal about it to see if I can find a diet that helps me feel more energized with less daytime fatigue and less susceptibility to general illnesses (flu, common cold, etc). I am starting with increasing my vegetable and fruit intake and cutting out meat, dairy and processed foods. So far, I've been at it for five days without any noticeable results other than (and this may be TMI) better bowel movements. I've often heard it said that digestive health and a good immune system go hand in hand so maybe I'm on the right track. I'll hold off on any judgments until I get more data though.

What we're into this week:

  • I am perusing several books right now, mostly about vegan diets and urban homesteading. I started another book today sent to me by the wonderful Mrs. E called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It's a book by the author who spent a year dedicated to increasing her happiness while still living a real life (no trips to foreign countries or leaving her day job behind) and the things she learned from her adventure. So far, I love it (and maybe I will embark on my own happiness project!). 
  • I finished a fascinating memoir a few days ago called The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann who falls in love with a Masai warrior and moves to Africa to be with him. This book feels like reading her diary and she tells us so many intimate details - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Incredible.
  • Matt has all but forgotten about video games and immerses himself in learning how to program in python and build web pages. It is amazing how intensely he can focus on a subject to the exclusion of everyday life (like eating and vacuuming and laundry).
  • We occasionally watch the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" and enjoy every episode, even the painfully awkward ones. I highly recommend it for the laughs it gives us as we follow the social and romantic lives of the outstanding cast of characters.


  1. I thought that you have been cutting out "meat, dairy and processed foods" for a number of years now - at least since High School......and how has that made you feel?????? Mamaw

  2. After I posted the comment I realized it sounded sarcastic and that is not what I meant. It was a real question. You have eatten "healthy" "good" "nutrious" food for a long time now. Don't forget that you need protein and dairy for good health also.....and don't make Matt suffer. Love you..Mamaw

    1. Hey Mamaw - You are right, I have been lowering my intake of meat and dairy for quite a while now so transitioning to not having any at all wasn't too difficult! Letting go of processed foods like ragu spaghetti sauce and frozen burritos was a little bit tougher. Matt was still eating meat and dairy regularly, they just weren't in the dinner time meals we ate together or in the meals I ate by myself. So he isn't suffering! In fact, I think he enjoyed the large amount of chicken nuggets he got to eat.

      I was thinking about what you've said about meat and dairy being necessary for good health. I'm not sure that is entirely true. I am not a physician, nutritionist or scientist, but my research into vegetarian and vegan diets has given a lot of evidence that meat and dairy aren't the only ways to get protein, vitamins or essential amino acids. I get plenty of beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds and leafy green veggies which all have protein.

      Regardless, I am not in the habit of denying myself foods that I love so I won't be forgoing meat and cheese completely and forever!

      I love you, Mamaw! Thanks for worrying about me and my health :)
