Thursday, September 1, 2011

In rural America, Wednesday is trash day

When I last posted all our stuff was still hiding in the garage, but no longer! Our second attempt at getting our belongings moved was more successful. Matt and I drove the 40 boxes, queen sized bed & box spring, and bedside table down to the end of the driveway so we didn't have a repeat power line fiasco. It didn't take us nearly as long as I thought it would to get everything up there, but I wasn't worried about leaving it out there for a few extra hours till the moving man came by.

Unfortunately, I forgot that here in our rural part of Texas, Wednesday is trash day. Where does trash go? The end of the driveway. So when Matt tells me the moving van is here an hour early, I panicked as I realize that is not the moving guy who has come to pick up our stuff.

As I ran up the driveway, I am hoping they haven't already thrown our belongings in the dirty trash trailer being hauled by the pickup truck. I hailed the garbage man (a friendly enough old man with missing teeth) and his two trash thugs (highschool aged boys without the sense to wear t-shirts) and explain why all the stuff was in the driveway.

The garbage man replies (in a heavy Texas accent) "I thought it was mighty strange tha someone would throw away all this nice stuff. The boxes was labeled an' everythin'." I replied, "Yeah, I am so sorry for the confusion, please don't take our stuff! I forgot all about trash day."

"Well, Miss, I understand now, but I was confused at first. I even laid on that bed and thought to myself...this is a reaaaally nice bed for folks to be throwin' away." Hah. Really?

This is my life. I almost gave away my expensive tempurpedic bed to the garbage man (the bed Matt and I are still paying for in monthly installments, I might add) because I forgot about trash day. This gentlemen probably would have slept many sweet nights on that bed. I bet he probably deserves them more than I do because he does a dirty, generally thankless job for our little town. As Matt says, "All glory be to the garbage men!"

In other news, Matt and I packed up the car tonight. We are leaving in the morning - a day earlier than planned but we are anxious to be off. I hope you are looking forward to a half whiney/half delirious post on the morrow.

Adios, Tejas!


  1. Did you run into any wild bandits on your journey to the wild (north) west?

  2. Haha! Not as of yet, but we hardly made it out of Texas today. Tomorrow we will probably end up stopping in Utah or Idaho, so maybe then :]

  3. A funny story about your stuff almost being carried off by the Garbage man. Only in Van Alstyne, where the truck can't come down the road because the electric cable is too low, and the garbage day and moving day happen at the same time.

    We moved a mattress and Box Springs tonight. Had to tie them to the top of the Xterra and drive down 75. I'm sure we looked a bit like the Beverly Hillbillies (if you've ever seen that show). We were going to borrow a truck but it didn't come through. At one point the Chem teacher had her arm out the window, holding the boxsprings that was on top of the car, down to keep it from flying off. I wish I'd had a picture. "Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer.....". You gots to do what you gots to do! We miss you guys. Alien from Mars

  4. Dear Alien from Mars,

    I am sure you looked just like the Waconian hillbilly that you are driving down the interstate with a bed on top of the Xterra :) Where were you taking the bed anyway?

    Matt and I looked just as foolish today driving home with a futon mattress sticking out the open trunk of the Corolla. Ohhh I can just imagine the family resemblance!

    We miss you both too <3
