Friday, September 16, 2011

Discovery Pass

Things are going really great here! I have been full time job searching which is absolutely exhausting and rattles my sense of self-confidence. I would lie and say I am not lonely and have not cried to spare you all the melodrama, but considering the ginormity of our move, these feelings and behaviors were not unexpected. Thank goodness Matt is here to go on late night cookie baking and eating binges with!

The tall trees and fresh pine scent still absolutely
amaze me every time I walk outdoors!
We were able to explore a tiny bit before being serious adults, but Matt started working full time after our 2nd day here so the exploration was minimal. There is a state park nearby that we can hike at to escape city living. In addition, there is a little beach area on the Puget Sound that we can walk to watch the sunset (pictures of that coming soon, I promise!).

Also! Good news to share: this morning we finally received a call from the truck driver with our stuff! He stated that he should be able to drop our belongings off to us next Monday or Tuesday (luckily, Matt’s two days off next week!). Once that happens I can officially report that we are settled in Washington but until then I will try to bask in the “glory” of simplicity and life without stuff.

Enjoy these pictures, hug your loved ones and eat some cookies. Tomorrow is Dr. Who-day and life is good. 

At the state park, the blackberries grow like the brambles they are. 

Weed-like and wild!

The beach at Dash Point State Park

Live sand dollar all sandy and squirmy! They were absolutely
everywhere on the beach. I've never seen so many!

Dead sand dollar. Pretty but dead =(


  1. We miss you!! But we are glad you are doing ok and hanging in there. It will be much better when your stuff gets there and you are surrounded by some familiarity. Love you both, lots!

  2. We love you too! And we love video chatting with you! :)

  3. Beautiful pics Alycia! It's so green and beachy - best of both worlds!

    I feel your grief about your beloved kitchen supplies... I miss our bake-fests :(

  4. Thanks, Kathy! I can't wait for another sunny day so I can take better pictures of Redondo beach and Steel Lake for you all. I promise not to take sunshine for granted anymore!

    Our stuff is supposed to be here tomorrow and I am imagining all sorts of deliciousness (isn't as much fun all by my lonesome but a girl has gotta get her fix regardless)! What I know for sure is that I am totally making spinach and artichoke dip. Yum!

  5. I miss you bunches, but reading this blog is sometimes the highlight of my day! I hope all your stuff made it there, and enjoy sleeping on your wonderful bed!!
