I should start with the good before I begin my complaints. Last night:
- Matt was offered a full time position in the Seattle suburb we wished to relocate to!
- We narrowed down the moving companies to 24 Hours Moving, Inc. or U-Box.
- We narrowed down the apartments we wanted to our top 5 choices, then top 2 choices and called our #1 choice who just so happened to have one 1b/1b apartment left with a fireplace, washer/dryer hook up and a special that got us $100 off the market rent.
Last night, we toasted our plans and success with Limoncello and life was good. Did I mention the potential apartment complex was also located 1.1 miles away from Matt's new work location? Now, we only had to FedEx our rental applications and deposits to the apartment complex and it was ours!
This afternoon, after paying an exorbitant amount of money to FedEx our info to the complex, I get an e-mail. The apartment was leased. To some California jerk that managed to FedEx his application a day sooner.
After pathetically whine/crying to the leasing landlord, she fandangled us another apartment that would be ready around the necessary time frame. Blah, blah. Blah, blah. Problem is, we won't know until Monday if the special for $100 off the market rent will stick around for the next month. Round and round we went.
Is the complex trying to rip us off? Maybe! But I love their location and the price was great and everything was so settled. Now Matt is so ticked off at them he doesn't even want to live there. Back to square one we go, comparing rent prices, amenities and locations.
And! When I was trying to scan and send back the rental agreement for our moving company the scanner gave me so much sass I started throwing things at it! I did not need any more crap tonight, especially from my electronics.
I am sure it sounds silly, but I am devastated. I pouted all night. Drowned my sorrows in wine at a dinner I did not help prepare (which is very unlike me). And now I am here to document how awful and stressful moving can be. There are a million other things (good and bad) but right now, I am stuck on this disappointment.
To end this pathetic post I will leave you all with a relevant quote from the show that is my cure-all (most especially effective on Negatron moods):
Lorelai: Hey, I can be flexible.
Luke: Please.
Lorelai: I can! As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I’m totally flexible.
"A-Tisket, A-Tasket", Gilmore Girls Season 2, Episode 13
I am so happy to hear Matt got offered a job!! What is he going to be doing? Can't wait to come visit you in Seattle! <3 Kathleen
ReplyDeleteHe's still with geeksquad, just full time! Now to find myself a job... :] I can't wait to host an ex-pat and show you all the fabulous wine and cheese places I plan on finding, haha. Once we get B's wedding plane tickets paid off, we are saving up to visit you!