Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Come hell or high water...

It has happened! After hemming and hawing around for the past month, a date and a location has finally been picked for our move. September 3rd we leave for Seattle. It is inexplicably nice to stop saying "We plan to  move..." and start saying "We are moving...".

(Source: Google Images)

We have been living rent free with our family and generally meandering about life. Matt has still been working, but I usually just hang out at home with the plants, animals and a book in the sweltering Texas heat. About a week past, I had some strange meltdown where I felt like my life was totally out of my control because I didn't have any direction or structure - no school, no job, no worries.

That amount of freedom was disconcerting and uncomfortable. My guess is that my pace of life changed so dramatically from being absurdly busy to painfully idle that it sent me reeling after a few weeks. I felt useless and indolent - the amount I accomplished in a day was so minuscule in comparison to my prior standards.

Now, that has all changed. Matt and I have a huge load of decisions to make, things to research and contingencies to plan for. I have never felt so pleased at the prospect of being overwhelmed.

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