I found a clipping I took from a local newspaper last summer and thought I would share it below. I like the idea of a midweek break! It sounds refreshing. I am fan of 30 hour work weeks, 3 day weekends, and idleness in general. It's imporant to me.
"Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets. The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration — it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done."
- From the article The 'Busy' Trap by Tim Krieder
Wednesday Should Always Be a Day Off
By William C. Wadsack
Originally printed July 2012 in the Herald Democrat, Sherman, Texas
Weekends are so relaxing that Mondays can be very difficult to face. I always find it hard to get up and get moving at a specific time on Mondays - especially after spending the previous two days relaxing and sleeping as late as I want. I know this is a problem to which people all over the world can relate.
My other issue with Monday is it's so far from the next weekend that it saps my will to make it through the week. Tuesdays are easier to face because it's at least one day closer to the weekend, which seemingly makes it more tolerable. Because of that I've been advocating for three-day weekends as a rule for years. However, last week's July 4th holiday gave me a new idea, because it was right in the middle of the week.
I propose that, as a society of civilized individuals, we adopt as common practice that Wednesday is a day off every week. Businesses that are closed on Saturdays and Sundays would also close on that day. Instead of a weekend, we could call it a midweek.
So then, when someone says to me, "Mondays are tough," I can reply, "Yeah, but only two days to the midweek."
We could all have an extra day off to recuperate and recharge for the end of the week. It may take some getting used to, but after the adjustment I believe we'd all be much happier.
The only problem I can foresee with the plan is that it may hinder some people's ability to make a living. I think the best way around this would be for employers to simply increase everyone's pay so the extra day off doesn't hurt anyone financially. If employers aren't willing to do that, for whatever unfathomable reason, then as a society we should agree to lower the price of goods and services.
That may hurt our nation's economic standing with the rest of the world, but we'd be worldwide trendsetters and I think it would be worth it. After we prove the value of the plan, we can then export the idea around the world. Once all the other countries adopt this revolutionary idea, we'll all be back at the same economic levels at which we started.
If neither of these economic solutions catch on, I'll have to go back to the drawing board as soon as I get back from my midweek.
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