Goodbye Summer. Hello Autumn!
I have always wanted to witness the leaves turn colors from green to yellow and red; however, in Texas, Autumn means the leaves turn from green to dead without a spectacular show of color. Fortunately, here in our corner of Washington state, I have already seen oodles of yellow, orange, and red leaves. Moving here has finally allowed me to watch the leaves change first hand and I am uber excited!
I've been scouting around for the best color changing trees in our neighborhood over the past week and here are a few I have managed to snap pictures of. I wish I had a fancier camera to take more impressive pictures, but maybe this will encourage you all to come visit us to see the trees in person instead.
Starting to change from green to yellow! |
Turning from green straight to red! |
Close up of the leaves. |
It almost looks like the leaves are smoldering in a fire with those colors. |
Tiny maple tree but it is turning a beautiful orange/red color |
Up close picture of the maple tree's leaves |
The colors don't stop at the trees. There are tons of bushes putting
out beautiful red berries! I don't believe they are edible though. |
A gorgeous rose bush I found hiding in the back of the apt complex
with just a few buds and blooms left. |
And of course, the evergreens are as green as ever and laden with pine cones! |
The colors are stunning! It's like that in the northeast as well. It was one of the reasons I enjoyed NJ so much. Hugs!